Monday, September 25, 2006


I've been making a chunk of warcraft gold recently buying a few manuals from vendors and selling them for a big profit in the Auction House. Whay don't people just go to the vendors and buy them themselves? Good question. Ignorance or laziness I guess. These are all on the flight path for Horde or a short journey for Alliance.

Old Man Heming in Booty Bay in Stranglethorne has "Expert Fishing - The Bass and You" check for exact location. This manual can be purchased for 1 gold and sells quickly for 1.5 gold.

Deneb Walker in Arathi Highlands or Balai Lok'Wein in Dustwallow Marsh sell these manuals:

Manual:Heavy Silk Bandage - buy for 22s sells for 1g.
Manual:Mageweave Bandage - buy for 50s sells for 1g.
Expert First Aid - Under Wraps - buy for 1g sell for 1.5g.

I can generally sell 3 or 4 a day of the bandage manuals, 1 or 2 of the others. Obviously only put the quantity you can sell in 24 hours in the AH
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