Thursday, December 07, 2006


Is it just me, or is the new WoW 2.0 LFG panel just about useless? It seems to work about as well as the meeting stones with the only advantage that you don't have to travel to the zone entrance to use it.

You sit there watching an empty screen for 10 minutes then somebody joins. They either leave the party immediately or mutter some excuse about having to feed the dog and then leave. Another joins, and then blames you for not being a priest/tank/mage and leaves. On the rare times you find more than 2 people it takes so long that the group breaks up before you ever get to the instance.

Now that they have taken away the LFG channel, we are forced to use the new interface or the general chat channel in the city.

Maybe I've been unlucky and nobody else was looking. Anybody else having any good results?
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've only used it two or three times, I just jump on and run quests while waiting, and each time after not too long I've been in a full sized group of happy people.
*shrugs* Sorry man, guess your just having bad luck.

7:58 PM  

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